Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Adventures Begin

And so it begins.. I've joined the world of blogging in attempt to share our lovely little wedding story and the adventures sure to follow. I write this with good intentions to update the blog & share our stories as we vagabond around Asia, but can make no promises! Elephants, beautiful beaches, delicious street food and colorful people are sure to be excellent distractions. Anywho, back to the story..

Friday, June 1st was our BIG day. The day before our wedding the weather was perfect. Cool and comfortable- ideal for a perfect wedding day. Not the case for Friday though.. Friday's forecast: severe thunderstorms and possible hail and/or tornadoes. Yes, tornadoes. Luck of luck! A sign from the Gods perhaps? 

All I wanted from the entire day were a few pictures of us scooting around the city in our wedding wear. Sadly, the Vespa doesn't do so great in tornadoes. Regardless of the abysmal weather forecast, the wedding was still on. As D & I drove to the courthouse the storm clouds started rolling in. Along with our families, we made it through the metal detectors, past the court rooms of all the things that can go bad in a marriage (domestic abuse anyone?) and up to the marriage bureau. Once we got to the marriage bureau they sent us into the "chapel" room, a tiny little room with a very dated arch of faux flowers and poor circulation. Then the wait for the officiant began.. At this point, I was very nervous and being kept in a tiny room with stale air while sweating profusely, watching a mega storm roll in, as you wait for fifty minutes for the turkey of an officiant to show up does not help with wedding jitters. I was not a fan. Regardless, the officiant showed up forty minutes late and five minutes later (was it even that long?) I got myself a new huuuusssband. Now we're officially Mr. Rodgers and Ms. O'Dell!

(Here are a few pictures from the courthouse- thank goodness we got a photographer because these family pictures didn't turn out so great. Sorry Mom to knock your skills...)

All dressed up and ready to get this over with...
Less than pleased to have to wait.

Enjoying my pockets
Watching the storm make its way in
Ready to get started
My Mom & Doug's Mom

Since the storm was blowing in and we wasted 40 minutes of prime picture taking time waiting for the less-than-considerate officiant, we scrapped our plans for cake and photos outside at a cute little park in Capital Hill and headed to the Building Museum to do family pictures. Just in time too- right as we got inside the rain started pouring down. After we got the family pictures done and were ready to leave, the museum staff rushed us down into the basement of the building because a tornado had been spotted in DC! Talk about memorable.. Who gets their very own wedding tornado? This girl! Thus, we spent our first hour of wedded bliss in the utility room of a lovely building with a bunch of rando strangers. Someone even toasted me with a delicious red Starburst. I'm sure after reading this, little girls across the world will be hoping for a wedding as awesome as mine! 

Inside the Building Museum

Taking some "realistic" photos because we just love to kiss anywhere, anytime
Watching the weather
Wedding guests

After the worst bit of the storm passed, we were released from our holding tank and sent back into a soggy DC. We headed to a nice little French Bistro on Capital Hill, had a delicious dinner with our families and then ate our fabulous mango wedding cake. All in all, while there were quite a few unplanned events in our day (read: tornadoes, missing officiants, abandoned plans for the day, non-stop rain all afternoon & night), D and I were still happy with how things worked out. I got to marry my best friend, taste tester extraordinaire, and main source of amusement. Tornado or not, that's a pretty darn good day! 

Mango deliciousness

It seems that with us everything is always an adventure... Stay posted for more adventures as we start married life with our lunita de miel to India, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. Fingers crossed we survive being married AND being together 24/7 for the next two months..

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that your wedding story made my life!!!! So funny, and so Bekah. I'm not surprised by any of it to be honest. Getting to marry your best friend is definitely the best part no matter how it happens. You guys are great for each other, tornado or no tornado. I am so glad you are blogging. Glad you are joining the club for updating the fam with your whereabouts. Looking forward to lunch this week!
