Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Indian Wedding

A few weeks ago, my friend Shahrina got married in the most lively, colorful and delicious wedding ever.The night before the wedding, they had a henna night. Shahrina had a colorful tent that looked beautiful and she and Abhi (hubby) were fed food, covered in white something or another, and celebrated. While I had no clue what was going on or the tradition behind it, I loved being there and seeing it all.

Inside the colorful tent

My henna!

Covered in white paste.. Love the colors!

The happy couple


 I was super excited for this wedding because I got to buy and wear my first (and probably only) saree! In theory, the saree was an excellent idea, however once the big day came, I quickly realized I had no clue how to wear the thing... YouTube was of little help because I could not make my fabric fold the way the woman in the video did.. In the end, I wrapped it around myself and threw it over my shoulder. If I ever buy another saree (India here we come!), I will be demanding that whoever sells it to me shows me how to wear it. 
Hot, tired, and ready to go home.. Until we remembered to take a picture from the day.

Loved every second of this!
It was an awesome wedding and was so much fun. The food, music and dancing were fabulous and I'm so glad we got to go! I totally should have had an Indian wedding!

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