Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Knight in Sequined Armor

Yesterday on the way out the door to work, Doug casually mentioned that he had to make a costume for the Medieval Festival Today. From years of celebrating my most favorite holiday (Halloween),  I told him that a stellar costume cannot be made in one night. He didn't think this was true and then told me his plan  to roll up some plants and wear high soccer socks to cover his exposed legs with a long shirt to be a knight... I said no way, Jose! After getting him to agree to make a better costume  we hit up Goodwill to find some pieces to make him royal and regal. I'm not so sure he turned out royal and regal, but hilarious and hot (it's supposed to be in the 90s today) he will be. At Goodwill we found a 2XL polo shirt and a classy ladies belt.. the makings of excellent knight wear! As my hopes for something shiny were not met, we then went to the store and got some super sequined fabric and some metallic fabric.. Then spent the rest of the night making him into a knight. Unfortunately for Doug, neither one of us measured anything, just starting cutting, and his costume ended up with one arm much smaller than the other and one leg much smaller than the other. THEN they got attached to opposite sides of the costume.. hilarious. I told Doug he should tell people he's a knight that survived Polio.. Any-who, here's a few pictures of a one-night knight costume- I'm sure all the princesses of the festival will just swoon for him!

Since Doug likes to "think outside of the box" he covered his shoes in fabric and duct tape and then figured out how to get his feet into them after.. Very amusing!

Monitoring the kingdom for unwanted intruders..

Every proper knight needs a good cape.. Check out the pen- since he can't have any pretend weapons at school he'll be wearing a pen. The pen is mightier than the sword!

Loving being bedazzled


1 comment:

  1. I think I laughed until I almost cried when I read this. I will definitely be reading your blog on a regular basis. I think it's the newest most entertaining thing in my life!
