Monday, June 18, 2012

A Most Excellent Father's Day

Saturday I headed home to good old Waynesboro to celebrate Father's Day with my most favorite father in the world. Before the celebrations began, Mom and I hit all the hot spots of the boro including Target, TJ Maxx and Kroger. Oh Waynesboro, such exciting times you always provide! Though there's not much to do, Waynesboro is quiet and relaxing AND Mom always makes extra delicious meals just for me! Too bad Doug had to stay home and work..

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Dad recently got a new motorcycle and I had my scooter, so up into the mountains we went... Just like a gosling following father goose..

Like father, like daughter.
Highlights of the day:

1) Spending time with my wonderful Dad. I'm pretty sure most people out there can't say they have a dad as awesome/cool as mine-he rides a motorcycle (sometimes without a shirt on, as spotted by one Amy Christine Charley), plays in many bands (some of which are really good), is the best card player I know (and almost never cheats), always helps me fix/make/mend anything AND knows someone everywhere he goes (he seriously has a guy for everything). Pretty awesome guy!  Here I am with with my Papa: 
It's obvious where I get my good looks from!
2) Enjoying the valley. It's just beautiful and a motorcyclist/scooty  heaven with windy roads, fresh air and lovely views. Okay Waynesboro, maybe you're not so bad.
Mom & Dad on the parkway

3) Getting to ride my beloved scooter. Best couple gwaps I ever spent! NOVA is so unkind to my scooter ways, so it was nice to have a chance to scoot without fear of being hit by a crazed, texting, incompetent metro-area driver. Or sitting in traffic on hot asphalt, sweating while not moving (which is the more likely of these two scenarios..).

Scooter heaven!

Low points of the day:

A bug flew into my sunglasses and knocked out a lens. Somewhat difficult to drive with one eye shut. Regardless, I still kept things classy:
Sporting the style of next season
Cold weather- Mom and I had the shells of our ski jackets on with gloves and multiple layers. Brrrrrrr!

Unfriendly motorcyclists. They only sometimes give me the motorcycle wave (the open palm that only motorcyclists give/get) and Dad always gets it. So not fair! I'm bossy and in charge on my ride!   Perhaps they could see my perfectly manicured pink toes and decided that I was just not hardcore biker material? Who knows.. Maybe I should start considering an Americana-themed tattoo on my arm...

Overall, we all enjoyed a most excellent Father's day and I was glad to spend sometime with my parents before summer adventures begin! One week from today we'll be in India!!

1 comment:

  1. Gandmom and Grandad Pritchard enjoyed all your blogs, especialy the wedding. Our wedding started in chaos and has been a subject of laughter for the last 68 years. We hope yours will bring you the same kind of lasting love and joy. We will follow you during you exciting trip. Good lick and BE CAREFUL!
